[ITK Community] [Insight-developers] What triggers instantiation of all ImageIO libraries?

Williams, Norman K norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu
Thu Nov 21 15:09:35 EST 2013

If I understand what you're saying in that first sentence, if I define
the factories don't get registered.

I do not do that.

It seems my ImageIO factories aren't being registered. I suspect it is
because I'm building a shared library (i.e. MEX64 file).  If you build an
executable, the C++ runtime instantiates static objects before calling
main().  The MEX64 file gets loaded as a shared object and then Matlab
calls mexFunction.

Congratulations on the cascade of clauses in that sentence. Positively

I tried including itkImageFactoryRegisterManager.h and ran into a whole
lot of undefined externals caused by referencing GDCMImageIO.  The gdcm
libraries aren't included in ITK_LIBRARIES, which is a problem for me,
since MEX is doing the linking for me, not CMake.

On 11/21/13 1:30 PM, "Bradley Lowekamp" <blowekamp at mail.nih.gov> wrote:

>If you explicitly don't use the implicit ITK auto registration by
>defining ITK_NO_IO_FACTORY_REGISTER_MANAGER to true[1], before including
>"ITK_USE_FILE" in cmake, your factories don't get registered.
>Look for a files called itkImageIOFactoryRegisterManager.h  and
>itkTransformIOFactoryRegisterManager.h in a directory called
>ITKIOFactoryRegistration in build trees that use ITK.
>These file are automatically generated based on the ITK IO modules turned
>on. Some times you can just copy that file and use it. Otherwise there is
>some funny cmake stuff will need to be done.
>It also may be easiest to just call
>YourImageIOFactor::RegisterOnFactory(), if you just need a couple know
>one registered.
>On Nov 21, 2013, at 1:56 PM, "Williams, Norman K"
><norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu> wrote:
>> I'm in the process of using ITK in a C++ MEX Matlab extension.
>> I solved the linking issues, but I ran into an interesting problem:
>> the MEX extension gets called, the ImageIOFactory instances have not yet
>> been registered. Is there a function I need to call before I use
>> --
>> Kent Williams norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu
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