[ITK Community] [Insight-developers] PROPOSAL FOR IMAGEIO: class to get image attributes before reading image

Padfield, Dirk R (GE Global Research) padfield at research.ge.com
Mon Nov 25 10:33:42 EST 2013

Hi Kent,

A while ago, I wrote an ImageArchetypeReaderMex program that wraps the itkImageArchetypeImageReader as a mex function that can be called from Matlab.  I used CMake to connect ITK and Matlab, and the resulting mex file can be built on any OS and enables you to make simple imread-type calls to read any format that ITK can read into Matlab.  I can share the code I wrote for this with you if you think it would be helpful.  It may be exactly what you need, or it may include some things that could help you.


Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 18:52:19 +0000
From: "Williams, Norman K" <norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu>
Subject: [Insight-developers] PROPOSAL FOR IMAGEIO: class to get image
        attributes before reading image
To: ITK <insight-developers at itk.org>
Message-ID: <CEB3B282.39479%norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Is there a way to do this I'm missing? There are times when it's important
to know the ITK pixel type and ImageDimension before reading an image
file.  In particular, I'm writing a reader to be called from Matlab, and
it would be good to at least create an image with the same ImageDimension
as the on-disk file.

This would (I guess) call itk::ImageIOFactory::CreateImageIO to get the
appropriate ImageIO object, then set the filename and call
itk::ImageIOFactory::ReadImageInformation.  This would work except for
multi-file images like DICOM -- the fly in everyone's ImageIO ointment.

I know how to do this; the question is where should it live? Should it be
a method of itkImageFileReader? Or its own thing?
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