[ITK] [ITK-users] ImageToImageMetric in Python

Prevrhal, Sven Sven.Prevrhal at philips.com
Tue Apr 8 13:34:56 EDT 2014

I am looking at the itk Software Guide to figure out how to implement this in Python. I have:

        nccMetric = itk.NormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric.IF3IF3.New()

which I believe works fine. I am getting stumped by the translation of this to Python:

  # ITK software guide page 390
  # C++ code: MetricType::TransformParametersType displacement( Dimension );
        displacement = nccMetric.??

After which

value = nccMetric.GetValue( displacement )

should work fine. Anybody knows this?


Sven Prevrhal
Philips Research

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