[ITK] [ITK-users] Misunderstood ResampleDICOM example behaviour

NPatterson pattersonnp.work at gmail.com
Tue Apr 15 04:57:43 EDT 2014

 I have been adapting the ResampleDICOM example to resample CT and PET
images from 512x512 to 128x128. The example code exhibits exactly the same
behaviour as my slightly adapted code, so I won't repost the code here. 


  When running the CT images through the example, the resampling works
without a problem. However, when running the PET images through I observe

Spacing is incorrect : [0.976563, 0.976563, 1]     (The 1 should be 3.5mm,
by the X and Y are correct) 

Also, the Position array (the physical position of the first voxel in each
slice) is set to 0,0,(sliceNumber). 

However the correct values are determined for the CT image, namely:- 

[0.976562, 0.976562, 3.5]  - voxels dimensions (Correctly ready) 

Some sample patient position of first voxel in each slice.. 
(Again, all correct). 

Can anybody explain what I am not understanding about the treatment of my CT
and my PET images? 

Regards, Nick. 

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