[ITK] [ITK-users] Itk mesh to stl

Fabian Torres dae.wong at gmail.com
Wed Dec 31 06:22:22 EST 2014

Hi every one

I have a segmented image (object in white, background in black) and I want
to obtain a mesh for the segmented object.
I am using tetgen software to use obtain a Delaunay tetrahedralization to
obtain the mesh. With this software I obtain a list of nodes, a list of
tethraedrons and a list of triangle faces.

Is there a way to use the information obtained with tetgen with ITK and/or
VTK to create a mesh that I can use in MeshLab or  Comsol (.ply or .stl)?


Fabián Torres Robles
Maestria en Ciencias en Ingeniería Electrónica
Ingeniería en Sistemas Electrónicos
tel. 58081280, 0445534661338
e-mail fabian.trobles at gmail.com, dae.wong at gmail.com
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