[ITK Community] [Insight-users] can't build bridge

WANG Chengjia wangchengjia1986 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 22:48:34 EST 2014


I must started using itk. So apologize if I asked stupid questions.

I want to build ITK with itkOpenCVBridge enabled because I have an urgent
project which requires cascade training, neural network and 3D image
transformations/feature detections. And I want it work with python wrap as
I want to create 3DSlicer scripts (while 3DSlicer is lack of documents and
adequate debugging tools).

but I kept receiving error/warnings during the configure/generate/make
process. Any modules related swig, itkvtkglue, dcmtk, vxl can't be built
(but I have already installed the newest version of these pacs/libs in
ubuntu, the cmake just say that vxl version is too old, can't find
DCMTK_LIBRARIES no matter how I set the paths). So I just disabled these
items in cmake.

Then I received some errors/warnings in make process, such as the following

In function 'void SWIG_InitializeModule(void*)':
warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
[ 72%] Building CXX object
[ 72%] Generating itkCenteredSimilarity2DTransformPython.cpp,

How can I bulid itk with all these properties enabled?

Thank you very much!


Chengjia Wang
Phd Student,
University of Edinburgh
Clinical Research Imaging Center (CRIC)
Toshiba Medical Visualization Systems Europe, Ltd
Email: wangchengjia1986 at gmail.com
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