[ITK Community] [ITK community] PasteImageFilter

Arjun S Kumar arjun89 at cmu.edu
Wed Feb 19 16:14:35 EST 2014

Hi all,

I am trying to make a 3D image with 2D slices using PastImageFIlter. Firstly, am I right in setting TinputImage to the 3D image, the TSourceImage as the 2D slice and TOutputImage as the resulting 3D image?

I get the following error even just after I instantiate my PasteImageFilterType3D::pointer object.

myfile.cpp:2216:1:   required from here
/home/arjun/MIIA/SimpleITK-debug/ITK/Modules/Filtering/ImageGrid/include/itkPasteImageFilter.hxx:159:3: error: no matching function for call to ‘itk::ImageRegion<2u>::SetIndex(itk::PasteImageFilter<itk::Image<double, 3u>, itk::Image<double, 2u>, itk::Image<double, 3u> >::InputImageIndexType&)’

This doesn't make any sense to me. I haven't done anything to my PasteImageFilter object and I am running into trouble. 

If you notice also, the error is coming from my first line. I defined PastImageFilterType3D in my .h file. I don't get an error if I comment out my instantiation in my cpp file but do get the error I listed above if I uncomment it. Can anyone help me find out what I'm doing wrong?

Feel free to ask me for the lines of code pertaining to this issue. There are only a few anyway.



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