[ITK Community] [Insight-users] Hello ITK with Qt Creator issue

Barbara Post bpo at eonix.be
Wed Feb 26 08:28:51 EST 2014

I forgot to set up correct value for LIBS but the error remains.

I added to .pro file the following I found on list archive:

ITKBiasCorrection-4.5.lib \
ITKBioCell-4.5.lib \
ITKCommon-4.5.lib \
ITKDeprecated-4.5.lib \
ITKDICOMParser-4.5.lib \
ITKEXPAT-4.5.lib \
ITKFEM-4.5.lib \
ITKgiftiio-4.5.lib \
itkhdf5-4.5.lib \
itkhdf5_cpp-4.5.lib \
ITKIOBioRad-4.5.lib \
ITKIOBMP-4.5.lib \
ITKIOCSV-4.5.lib \
ITKIOGDCM-4.5.lib \
ITKIOGE-4.5.lib \
ITKIOGIPL-4.5.lib \
ITKIOHDF5-4.5.lib \
ITKIOImageBase-4.5.lib \
ITKIOIPL-4.5.lib \
ITKIOJPEG-4.5.lib \
ITKIOLSM-4.5.lib \
ITKIOMesh-4.5.lib \
ITKIOMeta-4.5.lib \
ITKIONIFTI-4.5.lib \
ITKIONRRD-4.5.lib \
ITKIOPNG-4.5.lib \
ITKIOSiemens-4.5.lib \
ITKIOSpatialObjects-4.5.lib \
ITKIOStimulate-4.5.lib \
ITKIOTIFF-4.5.lib \
ITKIOTransformBase-4.5.lib \
ITKIOTransformHDF5-4.5.lib \
ITKIOTransformInsightLegacy-4.5.lib \
ITKIOTransformMatlab-4.5.lib \
ITKIOVTK-4.5.lib \
ITKIOXML-4.5.lib \
itkjpeg-4.5.lib \
ITKKLMRegionGrowing-4.5.lib \
ITKLabelMap-4.5.lib \
ITKMesh-4.5.lib \
ITKMetaIO-4.5.lib \
itkNetlibSlatec-4.5.lib \
ITKniftiio-4.5.lib \
ITKNrrdIO-4.5.lib \
# itkopenjpeg-4.5.lib \
ITKOptimizers-4.5.lib \
ITKOptimizersv4-4.5.lib \
ITKPath-4.5.lib \
itkpng-4.5.lib \
ITKStatistics-4.5.lib \
ITKPolynomials-4.5.lib \
ITKQuadEdgeMesh-4.5.lib \
ITKReview-4.5.lib \
ITKSpatialObjects-4.5.lib \
ITKStatistics-4.5.lib \
itksys-4.5.lib \
itktiff-4.5.lib \
itkv3p_lsqr-4.5.lib \
itkv3p_netlib-4.5.lib \
itkvcl-4.5.lib \
ITKVideoCore-4.5.lib \
ITKVideoIO-4.5.lib \
itkvnl-4.5.lib \
ITKVNLInstantiation-4.5.lib \
itkvnl_algo-4.5.lib \
ITKVTK-4.5.lib \
ITKWatersheds-4.5.lib \
itkzlib-4.5.lib \
Barbara POST 
+32 65/68.02.18
bpo at eonix.be

-----Original Message-----
From: Insight-users [mailto:insight-users-bounces at itk.org] On Behalf Of Barbara Post
Sent: mercredi 26 février 2014 14:05
To: insight-users at itk.org
Subject: [Insight-users] Hello ITK with Qt Creator issue


I have to use Qt Creator as an IDE, and integrate ITK into the project I work on.

I use MSVC 2010 64 bit compiler. I compiled ITK with this compiler, without glitches. I installed ITK in C:\ITK.

However QMake doesn't want at all to find itkImage.h.

I'm surprised, since I checked what follows many times.

Here are the files of plain C++ project with Qt Creator, thank you for helping.

Qt Creator project file (.pro):

CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG -= qt

# ITK base directory
ITK = $(ITK)

# ITK headers base directory
ITK_INCLUDES = $${ITK}/include/ITK4-5

# ITK libs base directory
ITK_LIBS = $${ITK}/lib

# Pass information to Qmake (include path) INCLUDEPATH += \ # $${ITK_INCLUDES}

# Pass information to Qmake (lib path)
#    $${ITK_LIBS}

SOURCES += main.cpp


#include "itkImage.h"
#include <iostream>
int main()
typedef itk::Image< unsigned short, 3 > ImageType; ImageType::Pointer image = ImageType::New(); std::cout << "ITK Hello World !" << std::endl; _____________________________________
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