[ITK] [ITK-users] Strange behavior with ResampleImageFilter?

Ivan Setiawan ivans at yahoo.co.jp
Mon Jul 14 06:27:09 EDT 2014

Dear All,

I have a question regarding a strange behavior of itk::ResampleImageFilter.
Currently I am using v4.4.0.

I am registering a 3D moving image to a 3D fixed image using BSplineTransform as the transformer.
The registration process seems fine.

However, sometimes, the resampling result (i.e., the final moved image) on the first slice looks identical with the original moving image.
The other slices seems correctly deform and correctly align with the 3D fixed image.

Could you please direct me to the code that should be modified to correct this behavior such that the first slice of the moving image also deforms correctly?

Thank you very much and best regards,
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