[ITK] [ITK-users] Implementing the Gray Level Run Length algorithm

med aweng medswengineer at gmail.com
Wed Jul 23 08:45:12 EDT 2014

Thanks a lot Jon for your kind replies.

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 2:24 PM, Jon Haitz Legarreta <
jhlegarreta at vicomtech.org> wrote:

> Yes.
> On 23 July 2014 14:19, med aweng <medswengineer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jon,
>> Thanks for your kind reply. For the test, would this be the file I should
>> be looking at?
>> https://github.com/midas-journal/midas-journal-231/blob/master/Source/itkRunLengthFeaturesTest.cxx
>> Thanks.
>> On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 2:16 PM, Jon Haitz Legarreta <
>> jhlegarreta at vicomtech.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I haven't used it personally, but just in case you haven't done it yet,
>>> having a look ar the Insight Journal article [1] that first proposed the
>>> related classes, functions or analysis may be of help.
>>> It includes a paper on the features of the original filters, and the
>>> source code, including a test that shows how to use them.
>>> HTH,
>>> [1] http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/231
>>> On 23 July 2014 14:07, med aweng <medswengineer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have understood how the "Gray Level Run Length" method works, and
>>>> trying to implement that in ITK.
>>>> I'm kind of new to ITK, and just need some guidance on how to proceed.
>>>> This is what I have done so far for instance:
>>>> typedef itk::Image<double, 3> InputImageType;
>>>> typedef
>>>> itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToRunLengthMatrixFilter<InputImageType>
>>>> FilterType;
>>>> typedef VectorContainer<unsigned char, OffsetType> OffsetVector;
>>>> typedef typename OffsetVector::Pointer OffsetVectorPointer;
>>>> InputImageType::Pointer image = InputImageType::New();
>>>> FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
>>>> filter->SetInput(image);
>>>> InputImageType::OffsetType offset1 ={{1,0}};
>>>> FilterType::OffsetVectorPointer offsetV =
>>>> FilterType::OffsetVector::New();
>>>> offsetV.push_back(offset1);
>>>> filter->SetOffsets(offsetV);
>>>> Any guidance or hints on how to proceed on that?
>>>> Thanks.
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