[ITK] Reading old Philips DICOM

Pölönen Harri Harri.Polonen at vtt.fi
Wed Mar 19 08:31:28 EDT 2014

Hi all,

I came across some pretty old DICOM data from Philips Panorama 0.6 T magnetic resonance scanner. The DICOM files can be loaded on ITK 3.20 with GDCM 1.2.4 without any problems. However, the most recent ITK 4.5.1 with GDCM 2.0.17 crashes while trying to read any of those DICOM files. My best guess is that the output from the old Panorama scanner violates modern DICOM standards, and GDCM crashes because it tries to follow the current standard.

Any suggestions on how to read that old DICOM data into ITK 4.5.1?

Going back to using GDCM 1.2x is not an option, because I need the support for the modern DICOM data as well. Should I report this as a bug to GDCM developers?

The crash occurs even with the simple "DicomSeriesReadImageWrite" example while running "reader->update()" line, i.e. probably inside some GDCM function. The error cannot be caught into itk::ExceptionObject.


/Harri Pölönen
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