[ITK Community] Support for different python versions

Michka Popoff michkapopoff at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 02:56:25 EDT 2014

I was looking through the python usage in distributions with http://distrowatch.com/

One example (with the biggest user base) :
Python 2.5.2 was the default on Ubuntu 8.04 which came out in 2008. The 8.04 LTS server versions was deprecated the 8 Mai 2013.
Most of the people would have switched to Ubuntu 9.04 at least, which has Python 2.6.2 by default.

Another point is that to build ITKv4, you require cmake 2.8.6, which was released around october 2011.
This means that people installing ITKv4 on older OS’es will have to update their cmake (and perhaps other stuff), so anyway they have some changes to do.

> Does anyone even know if ITKv4 with WrapITK has even worked with Python<2.6? 
> Brad

I would guess the WrapITK stuff worked well with ITKv3, but if it was not tested during the v4 migration, I think nobody knows (And we will perhaps never know).


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