[ITK Community] Writing of multiple transforms to file

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Wed Mar 12 13:34:32 EDT 2014

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Andras Lasso <lasso at queensu.ca> wrote:

>  Thanks for the quick response. Maybe you can help with the following
> more specific questions, too:
> ·         If I add an inverse transform then what will be written to
> file: A. the original transform with a flag that indicates that it has to
> be inverted or B. the computed (usually lossy) inverse?

The inverse should be, if it is added.

>  ·         Can I add a CompositeTransform to CompositeTransform
> (compTransform1->AddTransform(compTransform2))? Can it be saved to file?

I am not sure.  It does not seem to be tested.  Kent Williams (in CC) did a
lot of the implementation, and he may know.

 ·         Can I add an inverted CompositeTransform to a CompositeTransform
> (compTransform1->AddTransform(compTransform2->GetInverseTransform()))? Can
> it be saved to file?
If an inverse transform can be created (also long as the component
transforms have working GetInverseTransform()), it can be saved to a file.
 The new transform will not know it is an inverse.

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