[ITK] ITK and DigitalMicgraph

Dr Bernhard Schaffer bschaffer at superstem.org
Mon Nov 17 05:10:38 EST 2014

Hi all,

This is more an announcement than a question. 


The (spare time) project I've concerned myself with over the last few weeks
- which brought me to ITK in a first place - was to create some glue-code
between ITK and the scripting language of DigitalMicrograph


I don't know if anybody on this list uses DigitalMicrograph, but it is a
fairly wide-spread application software in Electron Microscopy and it
features a very simple scripting language.

Also, a 'basic' version of the software can be downloaded for free and
features all of the scripting language, which makes it a nice playground for
image analysis.


So my idea was to provide simplified wrapper script commands to ITK
functionality similar to what SimpleITK is attempting. 


So far, only some basic filters have been wrapped, but if there is enough
interest in it, I plan on subsequently increasing the wrapped functionality.


The plugin can be found on my homepage  http://dmscript.tavernmaker.de/


Now for the question: Should this wrapper plugin for the specialized
software be announced/linked to anywhere else?






PS: I would like to thank T.Uusimaeki - who did a similar wrapper in the
past for his own work - for inspiring me to this project and fruitful



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