[ITK] [ITK-users] Future of WrapITK

Paavolainen Lassi lassi.paavolainen at jyu.fi
Thu Nov 27 08:08:33 EST 2014


I'm developing software that uses ITK through Python wrapping. After some period of slower development progress we are now moving from ITK 3.20 to ITK 4.x. The software is developed and packages are released for 64-bit Windows, Linux and OS X. The problem is that ITK 4.6.1 with Python wrappings can be built only for Linux. It seems that there is no way around the issues with GCCXML and new Visual Studio in Win or Clang in OS X 10.9.

The issue has been raised before in: http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2014-July/050562.html

To follow up that question, has there been any progress related to GCCXML replacement or development of GCCXML to support new Visual Studio and Clang? Are there still plans for this or will wrapITK be deprecated and replaced by SimpleITK? Is there anything I can help with?

I noticed the Wiki page (http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Wrapping) where it is said that ITK 4.7 will include support for Python 3 but will it also fix the problem with Clang or new Visual Studios?

I have to admit that I haven't tried SimpleITK so I don't know whether it could provide the same flexibility as wrapITK and how much of ITK related code would need to be rewritten.

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