[ITK] pixeltype define and template lost in python warped ITK

gowith king gowithking at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 15 13:04:36 EDT 2014

Hi, my Itk friends,
      I am using python warped ITK to write my first itk process to
analysis series of  mhd images, I test my procedure in slicer4 first to
make sure it works well. Then I start the programming. However, two problem
block me for a whole day.

   -      The imagetype of itk.Image.UC3 should be used for 16 bit image in
   all the itk instructions. But in my case it only has a range of 0-255. Then
   I take itk.Image.F3, then it get a range of '-3.40282346639e+38
   3.40282346639e+38' . The grey value of my image is 0-9000 . How could I
   read it proprietorially?

   -      I need to get a label map with simply threshold method, and then
   make few statistics with LabelStatisticsImageFilter. So the
   BinaryImageToLabelMapFilter is taken. but then the key error occurs:

 LabelFilter = itk.BinaryImageToLabelMapFilter[IUC3].New()
  File "/usr/local/lib/ITK-4.7/Python/itkTemplate.py", line 263, in
    (str(parameters), self.__name__))
KeyError: "itkTemplate : No template [<class 'itkImagePython.itkImageUC3'>]
for the itk::BinaryImageToLabelMapFilter class"

       What should I do to achieve the LabelStatisticsImageFilter ?
      Thank you in advance[?]
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