[ITK] [ITK-users] Creating a region to store LabelObjects

Pol Monsó Purtí lluna.nova at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 06:29:04 EDT 2015

Hello all,

related to a couple of conversations we've had here I've noticed a strange
behaviour that is related to the LabelMap representation.

I have two label objects

bounding box1 ImageRegion (0x7fd381317888)

Dimension: 3

Index: [23, 40, 2]

Size: [60, 71, 9]

bounding box2 ImageRegion (0x7fd38131a328)

Dimension: 3

Index: [74, 18, 2]

Size: [24, 39, 9]

If I create a region of size [100, 120, 11] it should be able to store
those two objects.

However, (maybe) that is not the case because the objects are not drawn at
slice 2 but on slice 5 when I write the output of LabelMapToLabelImageFilter.
There is no exception thrown, thought.

I've also noticed that using the Shift function of the LabelObject doesn't
change the object's boundingBox, which leds me to think that each pixel has
a shift somehow not related to the bounding box.

I can provide a Minimum Working Example if needed.

I've read the article journal, but I couldn't see the answer, may be
related to 'storing the label objects as lines', which I don't completely
understand what's the graphical representation of those lines.

What is going on?


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