[ITK] [ITK-dev] Benchmarks for ITK

Gaetan Lehmann gaetan.lehmann at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 03:07:29 EDT 2015

Hi Laurent,

IPSDK certainly looks like an interesting library, and, according to your
benchmark page, seems to compare very favorably to ITK and opencv in term
of performance.

However the performance comparison lacks details on how the tests where run.
For the ITK case (that I know the best):

* Have you used the MedianImageFilter or the FastRankImageFilter for the
median computation?
* Is this a binary or a grayscale dilation?
* Have you used MeanImageFilter, BoxMeanImageFilter or GPUMeanImageFilter
for the mean computation?
* What is the content of the image to labelize?
* Which operating system was used?
* Were the tests run with several threads? How many?
* Which compiler was used? Which version?
* Which compiler flags?
* Which ITK version?

Unfortunately, with so few information, the performance graphs on that page
don't have much value.



2015-04-27 16:36 GMT+02:00 Laurent <lb at reactivip.com>:

> Hi Tim
> You can see performances of IPSDK library.
> This is a very robust and optimized tool.
> http://www.reactivip.com/en/IPSDKBenchmark.php
> Don't hesitate to call me if you need more informations
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