[ITK] [EXAMPLES] Problems creating a new example through the Python script

Jon Haitz Legarreta jhlegarreta at vicomtech.org
Wed Aug 19 13:45:34 EDT 2015

Hi there,
I'm trying to contribute with an example to ITK, but the CreateNewExample
Python script is yielding an error related to the location of the ITK
source directory.

According to the ITK example contribution documentation [1] and the command
help, to contribute with an example of a given class (say
itk::ParametricSpaceToImageSpaceMeshFilter), I should run

cd /path/to/ITKExamples-build/Utilities
./CreateNewExample.py --class-name ParametricSpaceToImageSpaceMeshFilter

It looks like I'm failing to correctly specify the path to my ITK source:
I've tried with the root of my ITK sources (located in a different folder
from the example):

Then the Python script fails on line 18:
Traceback (most recen call last):
File "./CreateNewExample.py", line 239, in module
File "./CreateNewExample.py", line 18, in write_all_itk_headers
output = file('listofITKheader','w')

I've also tried with the folders where the mentioned filter's files lie

In these cases git says
Error: wrong path for itk source tree

Any thoughts?

Thank you,

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