[ITK] [ITK-users] Building ITK 4.8.0 with Python wrapping in Visual Studio 2015

Paavolainen, Lassi lassi.paavolainen at jyu.fi
Tue Aug 25 08:54:47 EDT 2015

I'm trying to build ITK 4.8.0 with Python wrapping using Visual Studio 2015. Have anyone been successful in this? I know that with CastXML the Python wrapping issues were solved in ITK 4.8.0 so the issues might be related to Visual Studio 2015 instead of Python wrapping.

Here are some error messages I get. First in CMake I get
Debug Assertion Failed!
File: minkernel\crts\ucrt\inc\corecrt_internal_stdio_output.h
Expression: ("Invalid integer length modifier",0)
Checking for appropriate format for 64 bit long:
CMake: Width with l64 failed with result: FAILED_TO_RUN

same happens with a few other types as well. Maybe this already indicate coming issues. Anyway I went to build the solution which fails with
Error	C2664	'void llvm::BitstreamWriter::EmitRecordWithBlob<uint64_t>(unsigned int,llvm::SmallVectorImpl<uint64_t> &,llvm::StringRef)': cannot convert argument 3 from 'unsigned int *' to 'llvm::StringRef' [C:\ITK-4.8.0\Wrapping\Generators\CastXML\clang-prefix\src\clang-build\lib\Serialization\clangSerialization.vcxproj]	clang	C:\ITK-4.8.0\Wrapping\Generators\CastXML\cfe-3.6.0\lib\Serialization\ASTWriter.cpp	1517
and with similar errors.

Any ideas how to fix it? I haven't yet tried building ITK without Python wrapping but could do it now.

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