[ITK] [ITK-users] FW: ITK Python wrapping

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Thu Aug 27 00:56:40 EDT 2015

Hi Fabio,

> I did the build again and this time everything is working properly :)


> As a summary of my issue: the key factor is that building ITK with Python Wrapping on Visual Studio on DEBUG mode did not produced the required *.pyd files. So in the guide you may want to remind an unexperienced Windows user that the build should be performed on RELEADE mode. My second problem was that the build did not work the first time for one of the modules.

Thanks for the feedback.  Please review this patch, which improves the
documentation correspondingly:


> Just to figure out how to write in python with itk: I was trying to be lucky and to run an example similar to the example ImageRegistration3.py in the Examples folder of InsightToolkit-4.8.0 (in attachment). I start the code with 'import itk'. However fixedImageReader  = itk.ImageFileReaderF2.New()' returns an error. Is this an old version and should I just write ' fixedImageReader  = itk.ImageFileReader[ImageType].New()' instead?
> Which guide should I look for figuring these things out?

These examples are in a need of a major update.  I have created an
issue in the tracker to keep track of progress:


You can find some current Python examples in the ITK Sphinx Examples:


There are also some SimpleITK IPython notebooks on image registration here:


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