[ITK] [ITK-users] Installing ITK into Eclipse/PyDev

Barry Hathaway bhathaw1 at nycap.rr.com
Thu Aug 27 14:09:26 EDT 2015

I have also tried setting LazyLoading=False in itkConfig.py, but that 
did not seem to help in PyDev.

On 8/27/2015 1:51 PM, Matt McCormick wrote:
> Hi Barry,
> ITK uses lazy loading of its modules so that 'import itk' does not
> cause all of the modules to be loaded.  This improves start time, but
> it may interfere with Eclipse/PyDev's inspection. Maybe if the IDE's
> Python initialization code called something like:
> def load_itk():
>      try import itk:
>          from itk import *
>      except ImportError:
>          pass
> load_itk()
> the references it is seeking will be found.
> HTH,
> Matt
> On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 11:12 AM, Barry Hathaway <bhathaw1 at nycap.rr.com> wrote:
>> I'm trying to get the ITK Python wrapping to work in my Eclipse/PyDev
>> environment which
>> references a Python virtual environment. I have copied WrapITK.pth into the
>> virtual environment's
>> Lib/site-packages and have verified that I can call various methods. The
>> problem is that
>> within the Eclipse editor all the ITK references appear in red as errors
>> because it cannot
>> find the methods.  Also the method hints/autocompletion does not work.  Any
>> ideas?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Barry Hathaway
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