[ITK] ITK - FEM module usage

Luigi Riba ribaluigi at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 05:11:17 EDT 2015

Dear all,

I have done some experiments with ITK FEM registration and, following
preceding advice, I have solved the crashing issue I've had. Nevertheless I
have still some questions.

In fact, I am interested in developing a small piece of code using itk FEM
module such that:
1) takes an image as an input;
2) defines a grid on the image;
3) applies some forces on the boundary;
4) deforms the image accordingly.

 Since ITK has a FEM module I was trying to use it. So, I have started
reading itk::fem::Solver
<http://www.itk.org/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1fem_1_1Solver.html> documentation
which states:
The standard way to setup a FE problem in ITK is to use the following
* typedef itk::fem::FEMObject<3>
* FEMObjectObjectType::Pointer fem = FEMObjectObjectType::New();
* ...
* typedef itk::fem::Solver<3>
* FEMSolverType::Pointer solver = FEMSolverType::New();
* solver->SetInput( fem );
* solver->Update( );
* FEMSolverType::Pointer defem = solver->GetOutput( );
* ...

Unfortunately, apart fro the typo (defem should be FEMObjectType), this is
rather succinct. Do you know some places in which to look for doing
something like what I have described?

Best regards,

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