Rijssel-2, M.J. van M.J.vanRijssel-2 at umcutrecht.nl
Fri May 8 10:23:51 EDT 2015

Dear ITK community,

First of all: you're doing a great job developing and maintaining ITK!

Since I'm working with 4D (3D+time, from DCE-MRI) DICOM files, I'd like to use ITK with the latest GDCM release. (The release notes for GDCM 2.2.4 indicate 'Better support for Time Series stored in Enhanced MR Image Storage', which seems to be exactly what I need.) ITK's default DICOM reader (GDCM 1.2??), doesn't handle these files properly: it complains about 0-spacing which is not supported. (It is true that consecutive slices have 0 spacing in z, they belong to different time points. I'm not sure how common this kind of sorting (time before z) actually is...)

I've obtained ITK using git clone and checked out to the release branch, as suggested here<http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Git/Download>, so I guess I'm using ITK v4.7rc02. I've obtained GDCM in a similar fashion (cloned from git://git.code.sf.net/p/gdcm/gdcm and checked out to release). Then I built GDCM and ITK setting the ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM flag ON and providing the GDCM_DIR (CMake 3.2.0-rc2, Visual Studio 2012, Win7 x64). Both GDCM and ITK compiled without errors. However, once I try to build one of my ITK-based projects (solutions), I get link errors, e.g. (full output in attached VSoutput.txt):

1>ITKIOGDCM-4.7.lib(itkGDCMImageIO.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static char const * __cdecl gdcm::System::GetLastSystemError(void)" (?GetLastSystemError at System@gdcm@@SAPEBDXZ) referenced in function "public: __cdecl gdcm::ByteValue::ByteValue(char const *,class gdcm::VL const &)" (??0ByteValue at gdcm@@QEAA at PEBDAEBVVL@1@@Z)
1>gdcmMSFF.lib(gdcmImageHelper.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static char const * __cdecl gdcm::VR::GetVRString(enum gdcm::VR::VRType)" (?GetVRString at VR@gdcm@@SAPEBDW4VRType at 12@@Z)

I've also attached CMakeLists.txt and CMakeCache.txt of my project. It seems to me that the compiler should be able to find the libraries, and I think it does, since the GDCM bin directory is listed in the linker's 'Additional Library Directories' (VS, Project, Properties, Configuration Properties, Linker).

What did I miss? In an earlier attempt to deal with these files I've successfully linked DCMTK to ITK in a similar fashion, which did work. (FYI: Unfortunately DCMTK doesn't handle these files properly, it stacks all the slices in z as if they belong to a single time point. I could try to work from there, try to separate them according to some DICOM tag, but I decided to try the latest GDCM first.)

Many thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

Mike van Rijssel

[Beschrijving: cid:EEA90C32-0871-49FB-AB50-67779C278527 at ds.umcutrecht.nl]

PhD Candidate | Department of Radiology | Image Sciences Institute & 7T  MR group | Office E 02.554
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T +31 (0)88 75 67761 | E mike at isi.uu.nl<mailto:mike at isi.uu.nl> | www.umcutrecht.nl<http://www.umcutrecht.nl/>


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