[ITK] Reading multi-paged TIFF Image
Imre Goretzki
goretzki.imre at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 10:24:22 EST 2015
Hey guys,
i was wondering if you could help me getting all pages from a
multi-paged TIFF image.
There are plenty of examples on how to read tiff images, e.g.
|typedefitk::RGBAPixel<unsigned char> PixelType;// Pixel
|||itk::TIFFImageIO::Pointer io = itk::TIFFImageIO::New()||
="path/to/file.tif";|||| reader->SetImageIO(io);reader->SetFileName(filename); ||ImageType::IndexTypepixelIndex;pixelIndex[0]=103; //xpixelIndex[1]=178; //y|||pixelIndex[2]=0;| ImageType::PixelTypepixelValue
=image->GetPixel(pixelIndex);std::cout <<"pixel : "<<pixelValue
in this example, if i'm not mistaking, the third pixelIndex corresponds
to the pages of a stacked tiff image.
Is this the right way to get access to single pages? And how do I get
the RGB values?
My TIFF file is structured as follows:
It has at least 47 Images stored, each of those has the following dimensions
520x520x3 (WxHxRGB)
I checked these informations via SCIFIOImageIO::ReadImageInformation,
like this:
std::cout << "Pixel Type is " <<
imageIO->GetComponentTypeAsString(pixelType) << std::endl; const size_t
numDimensions = imageIO->GetNumberOfDimensions(); std::cout <<
"numDimensions: " << numDimensions << std::endl; // '5' std::cout <<
"component size: " << imageIO->GetComponentSize() << std::endl; // '8'
std::cout << "pixel type (string): " <<
imageIO->GetPixelTypeAsString(imageIO->GetPixelType()) << std::endl; //
'vector' std::cout << "pixel type: " << imageIO->GetPixelType() <<
std::endl; // '5'
or this:
ImageType::Pointer img = reader->GetOutput(); ImageType::RegionType =
img->GetLargestPossibleRegion(); std::cout << "Region: " << region <<
std::endl; // '5' OUTPUT:
Dimension: 5 Index: [0,0,0,0,0] Size: [520, 520, 47, 1, 3]
If I print the pixels, I will get the same output for each channel
(which I guess is RGB).
If I change the input dimension to 5, the index has to be changed:
|ImageType::IndexTypepixelIndex;pixelIndex[0]=240; //xpixelIndex[1]=430; //y|||pixelIndex[2]=0;| //z |||pixelIndex[3]=0;| //timestamp i guess? Dimension of this is always 1
for my data |||pixelIndex[4]=0;| //R-Channel|
||pixelIndex[4]=1;| //G-Channel|
||pixelIndex[4]=2;| //B-Channel|
Is this correct?
OUTPUT for pixels via img->GetPixel(pixelIndex) is
[930, 930, 930]
for idx = [ {{240, 430, 0, 0, 0}}, {{240, 430, 0, 0, 1}} ,{{240, 430, 0, 0, 2}} ]
I could think of using an ImageIterator, but I don't know how to use
them in a multi-paged image.
The last thing I would like to ask you is, if you could help me on how
to use the TIFFImageIO::ReadVolume.
It says that you could read 3D images, but there are neither examples
nor tips.
To sum things up, i would like to know if there is a good way to access
each image in such a multi-paged TIFF file.
I really hope, you guys can help me.
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