[ITK] [ITK-users] Merging segmentation masks in different region of interests

Alberto Bert bert.alberto at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 05:07:49 EST 2016


I have several rectangular regions of interest from a single image (extracted using RegionOfInterestImageFilter), and I am processing one at a time to extract from each of them a segmentation masks (image of labels with 0 or 1). Finally, I would need to “merge” (i.e. “combine” or “and”) the various ROI masks (different size and origin) in a single mask having the same size and origin of the original image. Let’s say I would need to “put back in the right place” the ROI masks.

The AndImageFilter does not allow me to combine the various ROI masks ("Inputs do not occupy the same physical space!”). I browsed the documentation but I could not find a viable solution...

I am currently using SimpleITK.

Can you help me please?

Thanks a lot!
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