[ITK] [ITK-users] LabelOverlayImageFilter with a binary mask: everything red

Alberto Bert bert.alberto at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 05:30:09 EST 2016

Hi all,

I am trying to produce a coloured overlay between a UInt16 grey-level image and a segmentation mask extracted from such image. The segmentation mask is a UInt8 image valued 1 in the segmented area and 0 elsewhere.

If I try to:

 mask_overlay = sitk.LabelOverlay(image, mask, opacity = 0, backgroundValue = 0)   # I am using SimpleITK 0.9.1 with Python 2.7

and then I write the mask_overlay (as .nii), I get an image almost completely reddish, while I expected to get the original grey-level image, with some red (or other color) corresponding only to the pixels valued 1 in the mask. (I did check the mask itself, and very few pixels are valued 1)

What am I doing (or expecting) wrong?

Thank you in advance,
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