[ITK] update dynamically images in the registration pipeline

Francois.GIRINON at ensam.eu Francois.GIRINON at ensam.eu
Thu Jun 23 05:55:36 EDT 2016

Hello everyone,

I'd like to suit the registration pipeline to a particular use:
1) I have two fixed target images 
2) I have an itk transform which generates an itk mesh, and from this mesh two images are dynamically generated
3) Using the metric methods of ITK I want to optimize the above transform parameters to minimize the metric

As a matter of fact, I don't really need any interpolation method since the generated images already have the same resolution and size. However I can still use a nearest-neighbor interpolation if required.

The real question is where and how to update the dynamically generated images ? 

One of my ideas was to create a kind of wrapper like https://itk.org/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4.html and starting the GetValue method with an update of my images. The problem is more about the GetValueAndDerivative which I guess tries to evaluate the metric for closest parameters values. I don't know here where should I put my update method.


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