Anna Vlachomitrou avlachomitrou at dxo.com
Thu Oct 13 03:24:52 EDT 2016

Dear ITK community,
 I am currently trying to build ITK so as to use some prebuilded libs  in Python.
-I downloaded the 4.10 version
- I used cmake to get the itk.sln for vs2010 32b (and also tried vs2015 32b)
- I launch the ALLBUILD
-I get some errors: all errors are related to _hypot. Here is an example:
450>     Creating library D:/DATA/InsightToolkit-4.10.1/build/lib/Release/ITKImageStatisticsPython.lib and object D:/DATA/InsightToolkit-4.10.1/build/lib/Release/ITKImageStatisticsPython.exp
450>itkImageMomentsCalculatorPython.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "double __cdecl vnl_math::_hypot(double,double)" (?_hypot at vnl_math@@YANNN at Z) referenced in function "double __cdecl itk::Math::_hypot<double>(double,double)" (??$_hypot at N@Math at itk@@YANNN at Z)
450>D:\DATA\InsightToolkit-4.10.1\build\lib\Release\_ITKImageStatisticsPython.pyd : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

Do you have any idea of how i can fix these build errors ?
 Thanks in advance,

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