[ITK] ImageRegistrationMethodv4 behavior question

Timothee Evain tevain at telecom-paristech.fr
Wed Sep 7 13:05:38 EDT 2016

Hi folks,

It's more a dev consideration, but I've been tricked by the SetNumberOfLevels & SetMetricSamplingPercentage methods from the ImageRegistrationMethodv4.
The former is overwriting any previously set parameters for SmoothingSigmas and ShrinkFactors but also for the SamplingPercentage.
If I was expecting it for the two first, as we can only set them per levels via arrays, I was expecting the sampling percentage to be stored since we can set it for all levels via the SetMetricSamplingPercentage method (which in fact is only a wrap around the "per levels" one).
Thus you cannot set the sampling percentage before setting levels. Is that the intended behavior ? That wasn't really clear to me.


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