[ITK] [ITK-users] itk Python: origin of DICOM slice does not change

D'Isidoro Fabio fisidoro at ethz.ch
Mon Sep 19 16:09:39 EDT 2016


Following the code ResampleImageFilter2.cxx, I am applying an Identity Transform to a single DICOM slice, I change the origin to
output_origin = reader.GetOutput().GetOrigin() + offset

and I write the transformed DICOM slice into a new DICOM slice (following the code DICOMImageReadAndWrite.cxx).

I visualize the written DICOM slice with a viewer (it's an itk-vtk segmentation software).

The transformed DICOM slice looks as it should. Surprisingly however the viewer shows the original input values as origin. This is confirmed by the fact that if I read with an itk script the written DICOM slice again, and I print the information of the DICOM slice, the origin is still the original one and not the modified one.

How could this be?

Original DICOM slice:

[cid:image001.png at 01D212C2.83CCFB10]

Transformed DICOM slice:

[cid:image002.png at 01D212C2.83CCFB10]

Thank you for help,

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