[ITK] Size of pixel component type

Fijoy Vadakkumpadan tofijoy at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 17:54:14 EST 2017


If I read an image file (of unknown pixel type) into an itk::Image object
using ITK, will the component type of a pixel of that image object be the
same, regardless of the environment (C++ compiler, hardware, etc.)?

If yes, can I assume that the sizes for each component type are as follows?

UCHAR & CHAR        - 1 byte
USHORT & SHORT    - 2 bytes
UINT, INT, & FLOAT    - 4 bytes
ULONG, LONG, & DOUBLE         - 8 bytes

The method I'm using to read an image of unknown type is similar to the one
at this link:

Thank you,
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