[ITK] RegularExpressionSeriesFileNames

Fijoy Vadakkumpadan tofijoy at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 14:57:03 EST 2017


I'd like to use the RegularExpressionSeriesFileNames  class to generate a
list of sorted file names in a directory, but having some difficulties. In
a toy example that I'm experimenting with, my directory has the following

3   a   a1  ab1 b   b1  c   c1  cd

Here are 2 regular expressions that I tried and the file names they match:

(1) expression [^ab1-9] matches c1, c, and cd

(2) expression [^ab1-9]$ matches c and cd

According to documentation, (1) makes sense to me, but (2) does not.
Specifically, (2) should not have cd as a match, since $ matches
end-of-line (and not d). Am I missing something?

Documentation I'm looking at:

Is there additional documentation for the class that will help?

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