[ITK] [ITK-dev] Problem calculating oriented bounding box, itk::ShapeLabelObject

Pfaehler, EAG (ngmb) e.a.g.pfaehler at umcg.nl
Tue Nov 21 10:12:44 EST 2017

Dear all,

I need the size of the oriented bounding box of a mask.
I created a shape label object and extracted already some attributes (like nr. of pixels etc), what works pretty fine.
Now I wanted to get the size of the oriented bounding box. But whatever I do and no matter which object I use, I always get the result [0, 0, 0]
Is there a trick?

Thanks a lot for your answer.



My code:

        typedef itk::CastImageFilter<ImageType, intImage> CastFilterType;
        typedef itk::CastImageFilter<ImageType, uCharImage> uCharCastFilterType;
        typedef itk::ConnectedComponentImageFilter <intImage, intImage> ConnectedComponentFilterType;
        typedef itk::LabelImageToShapeLabelMapFilter<intImage> LabelImageToShapeLabelMapFilterType;

        typedef int LabelType;
        typedef itk::ShapeLabelObject<LabelType, R> ShapeLabelObjectType;
        typedef itk::LabelMap<ShapeLabelObjectType> LabelMapType;
    typename ConnectedComponentFilterType::Pointer connectedComponentImageFilter = ConnectedComponentFilterType::New();
    With the label image to shape label map filter the mask is converted to a labeled image
    typename LabelImageToShapeLabelMapFilterType::Pointer labelImageToShapeLabelMapFilter = LabelImageToShapeLabelMapFilterType::New();

    LabelMapType *labelMap = labelImageToShapeLabelMapFilter->GetOutput();
    For every connected component a labelObject is created
    Because we are only interested in the object with the label one, we check the label number
    for(unsigned int n = 0; n < labelMap->GetNumberOfLabelObjects(); n++){
        ShapeLabelObjectType *labelObject = labelMap->GetNthLabelObject(n);
        int labelNr = labelObject->GetLabel();
        if(labelNr ==1){
#ifdef _WIN32
            volume = labelObject->GetPhysicalSize();
            principalMoments = labelObject->GetPrincipalMoments();
            nrPixels = labelObject->GetNumberOfPixels();
            surface = labelObject->GetNumberOfPixelsOnBorder()*imageSpacingX*imageSpacingY*imageSpacingZ;
            std::cout << "nr Pixels border" << labelObject->GetOrientedBoundingBoxOrigin() << std::endl;
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