[ITK] Query regarding implementation of itkGeometricJacobianDeterminantImageFilter.hxx

Mageshwar Selvakumar mageshwar.selvakumar at outlook.com
Wed Feb 28 10:34:19 EST 2018

Dear ITK community members,

I want to have a deeper insight into the implementation of jacobian determinant in itkGeometricJacobianDeterminantImageFilter.hxx, but I'm unable to find some theory which explains on what basis this code is implemented. It would be nice if someone could refer some books or literature on jacobian implementation, especially the method used here, the connection between triangular area and tetrahedral volume computation and jacobian determinant. It would be of a great help to me, if someone can direct me towards it.

Thank you,

Kind regards

Mageshwar Selvakumar, M.Sc

Department of Pharmakologische Bildgebung und Bildanalyse

Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen Nürnberg

Office: Fahrstr. 17, 91054 Erlangen

Phone: + 49-9131-8522898

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