FW: FW: [IGSTK-Developers] State Machine Discussion: comments from Anton at Hopkins

Kevin Cleary cleary at georgetown.edu
Wed Aug 24 14:24:54 EDT 2005

Hi guys:

Here are some comments on the Wiki pages re state machine / error handling
from Anton at Hopkins. Anton is the lead software engineer at the ERC there
and came to our six month review. This is just some "food for thought" prior
to the discussion tomorrow. I encourage others to post their thoughts on the
Wiki and circulate by email.

Luis, have you had a chance to add your material yet (I didn't see it - note
that I love peer pressure and public emails like this ;)

Thanks all - the goal is to get feedback from everyone to make an informed
choice and better toolkit than what could be built by one individual alone


P.S. to David: I will initiate the tcon tomorrow as moderator and will take
notes for you if you will run through the agenda and then help lead the

-----Original Message-----
From: Anton Deguet [mailto:anton at cs.jhu.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 2:13 PM
To: Kevin Cleary
Cc: 'Peter Kazanzides'
Subject: Re: FW: [IGSTK-Developers] State Machine Discussion

I took a quick look at the multiple WiKi pages and I didn't see anything
obviously scary.  I believe the state machine concept is interesting but
most will depend on the quality of the implementation.  From what I
read, I like the handling/encapsulating of exceptions as well as the
guideline re what is normal event vs exceptions.  This seems lean and
safe enough.

Anton Deguet                          Systems Engineer
NSF ERC CISST                    Johns Hopkins University
http://cisst.org                              410 516 5261

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