[IGSTK-Developers] Warnings in VS.net 2003

Julien Jomier jjomier at cs.unc.edu
Fri Aug 26 15:51:00 EDT 2005

Patrick, Luis,

Sorry for the late reply (you might have discussed this issue already at 
the T-Con).
Andy and I have been working on a dashboard for FLTK for the past 6 
months: http://public.kitware.com/dashboard.php?name=fltk
The best way is to submit bug reports and patches to the FLTK bug 
tracker: http://www.fltk.org/str.php

It's correct that FLTK folks don't really care about warnings but they 
are usually good at fixing them (and 1.1.6 was really bad in that 
sense). Hopefully the dashboard will help.

I should be on the T-Con next week,


Luis Ibanez wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> In general we consider in IGSTK "warnings" to be "errors".
> However, in this particular case, the warnings are coming
> from FLTK and escape our scope. We could fix them in our
> local FLTK copies, but that will be a waste of time once
> a new release of FLTK comes out.
> It seems that the FLTK community does not care much about
> warnings and have been ok with having those in the library
> for several years.
> We must fix all warnings that are appearing from IGSTK code
> itself, and try to ignore the ones from FLTK.  Any warnings
> from ITK or VTK, can also be addressed since we have access
> to both of those CVS repositories.
> NOTE however, that since IGSTK depends so much on FLTK, it
> will be healthy to consider the potential hazardous effect
> of these warnings in IGSTK applications. For example: would
> any IGSTK application ever produce a short number that will
> fit in the unsigned char that FLTK is using for the assignment?
> We should probably discuss this in the tcon...
> If we find FLTK issues that must be fixed, we have two options
> 1) Contact the FLTK community and encourage them to fix the errors.
> 2) patch an FLTK version for IGSTK (this may become a maintenance
>    nightmare).
>   Regards,
>     Luis
> ------------------
> Patrick Cheng wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am building the IGSTK and Sandbox using VS7.1, and I got lots of 
>> warnings such as:
>> warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'short' to 'uchar', possible loss 
>> of data (from FLTK)
>> warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch  (from 
>> igstkSerialCommunicationSimulator)
>> It safe to ignore these warnings?
>> Pat
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