[IGSTK-Developers] Re: CVS Commit Messages MUST have a valid BUG: number

Hee-su Kim hkim at isis.imac.georgetown.edu
Tue Jun 7 15:46:16 EDT 2005

Hi Luis,

Thank you for information.

I created my bugTracker account and a new bug code.

I modified log messages of past revisions I wrote in a wrong way.

BUG: 1911 some compilers couldn't resolve vtk operators in an igstk class 
derived from a vtk class. overriding operator<< for the classes derived from 

The solution for this bug in an aspect of PrintSelf() is:

overriding operator<<(ostream&, View&), Print, PrintSelf and ignoring vtk's 

I used two spaces ("  ") instead of vtkIndent as operator<< for vtkIndent 
was not found by some compilers.

I looked into your View class code. You used itk::Indent instead of two 

The vtk's unnamed namespace might cause compatibility problem to other codes 

Adding PrintSelf() to almost every class was trivial but annoying as I had 
to check and/or modify almost every IGSTK and Sandbox files. It's about 100.

Then, I had to test them for making sure that they work well on the 
multi-platform and multi-development environments.

That was a good practice though.

I realized how useful the Dashboard is and it made me nervous until 
eliminating all errors caused by me for the most of builds because closing 
the current iteration will be done soon or is already done now.

I'm getting used to CVS and Dashboard usage. I'll ask you if I find 
something unknown about IGSTK development.

Is there any other things that I should know?
Some information could prevent possible mistakes.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Luis Ibanez" <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>
To: "Hee-su Kim" <hkim at isis.imac.georgetown.edu>; 
<igstk-developers at public.kitware.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 8:42 AM
Subject: CVS Commit Messages MUST have a valid BUG: number

> Hi Hee-Su,
> You committed yesterday changes to the CVS repository using
> the following comment:
>   "BUG: 1 failed to resolve operator<<(ostream, vtkIndent)
>    namespace issue on VC6 and some Linux."
> http://www.itk.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Source/igstkView.cxx?rev=1.14&root=IGSTK&sortby=date&view=log
>    However,
>                     "BUG: 1"
>        is not a valid bug number for IGSTK.
> You should have created a bug entry for this issued in the
> phpBugTracker, and only after that committed your changes
> into CVS. At that point you would have had a real BUG Id
> to refer to in your CVS comment.
> Please don't use bogus numbers for the BUG Id, that defeats
> the purpose of the controls that we have set up for the
> software development process.
> The reason why we put these controls in place is to aproximate
> our process to the FDA requirement on traceability for software
> development to be used in medical devices.
> You can create bug entries just by using the link:
>             http://www.itk.org/Bug/index.php
> Just create your own account (don't need permissions from
> anybody), and select "IGSTK" after you click on the "Add new Bug"
> link at the top of the page.
> Please let me know if you find any difficulties creating
> your bug tracker account.
>    Thanks
>      Luis

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