[IGSTK-Developers] Re: Extracting requirements from the bug tracker to latex file

Andy Cedilnik andy.cedilnik at kitware.com
Tue Jun 21 15:29:21 EDT 2005

Hi Again,

And of course the attached file...


Andy Cedilnik wrote:

>Hi All,
>Here is script that I can run every night. It produces the attached
>file. Let me know if the format is ok.
>Current problems:
>* Handle special characters
>* Do something with NEW_REQ_TEXT
>#!/usr/bin/env python
>import MySQLdb
>import sys
>HOST      = '****'
>DATABASE  = '****'
>USER      = '****'
>PASSWORD  = '****'
>sql = MySQLdb.connect(db=DATABASE, host=HOST, user=USER, passwd=PASSWORD)
>cursor = sql.cursor()
>cursor.execute("SELECT bug_id, title, description FROM phpbt_bug WHERE
>project_id = 10;")
>bugs = {}
>comments = {}
>while 1:
>  res = cursor.fetchone()
>  if not res:
>    break
>  if not bugs.has_key(res[1]):
>    bugs[res[1]] = res
>  else:
>    print "Problem!! Found two bugs with the same requirement:\n%s\n%s"
>% (`res`, `bugs[res[1]]`)
>    sys.exit(1)
>  comments[res[1]] = []
>ks = bugs.keys()
>for a in ks:
>  if a.startswith("REQ"):
>    bug = bugs[a]
>    print "\section{%s - %d}" % (a, bug[0])
>    print "%s" % bug[2]
>    print ""
>    cursor.execute("SELECT comment_text FROM phpbt_comment WHERE bug_id
>= %d;" % bug[0])
>    while 1:
>      res = cursor.fetchone()
>      if not res:
>        break
>      print res[0]

Andy Cedilnik
Kitware Inc.

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