[IGSTK-Developers] Re: Extracting requirements from the bug tracker to latex file

David Gobbi dgobbi at atamai.com
Tue Jun 21 15:47:50 EDT 2005

Oops, I see that you already thought of special characters... apologies.

David Gobbi wrote:

> Hi Andy,
> The script will have to escape latex special characters, perhaps just 
> escaping the latex comment character "%" will be good enough. The 
> other common latex special characters are the backslash, curly braces, 
> and square brackets.
> - David
> Andy Cedilnik wrote:
>> Hi Again,
>> And of course the attached file...
>>       Andy
>> Andy Cedilnik wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Here is script that I can run every night. It produces the attached
>>> file. Let me know if the format is ok.
>>> Current problems:
>>> * Handle special characters
>>> * Do something with NEW_REQ_TEXT
>>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>>> import MySQLdb
>>> import sys
>>> HOST      = '****'
>>> DATABASE  = '****'
>>> USER      = '****'
>>> PASSWORD  = '****'
>>> sql = MySQLdb.connect(db=DATABASE, host=HOST, user=USER, 
>>> passwd=PASSWORD)
>>> cursor = sql.cursor()
>>> cursor.execute("SELECT bug_id, title, description FROM phpbt_bug WHERE
>>> project_id = 10;")
>>> bugs = {}
>>> comments = {}
>>> while 1:
>>> res = cursor.fetchone()
>>> if not res:
>>>   break
>>> if not bugs.has_key(res[1]):
>>>   bugs[res[1]] = res
>>> else:
>>>   print "Problem!! Found two bugs with the same requirement:\n%s\n%s"
>>> % (`res`, `bugs[res[1]]`)
>>>   sys.exit(1)
>>> comments[res[1]] = []
>>> ks = bugs.keys()
>>> ks.sort()
>>> for a in ks:
>>> if a.startswith("REQ"):
>>>   bug = bugs[a]
>>>   print "\section{%s - %d}" % (a, bug[0])
>>>   print "%s" % bug[2]
>>>   print ""
>>>   cursor.execute("SELECT comment_text FROM phpbt_comment WHERE bug_id
>>> = %d;" % bug[0])
>>>   while 1:
>>>     res = cursor.fetchone()
>>>     if not res:
>>>       break
>>>     print res[0]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> \section{REQ 04.01.01 - 1068}
>> IGSTK components shall execute a high-level task autonomously 
>> requiring minimal interaction.
>> Discuss and verified this REQ on October 7.
>> \section{REQ 04.01.02 - 1069}
>> IGSTK components shall not expose underlying class structure in 
>> header files.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004
>> \section{REQ 04.02.01 - 1070}
>> At a minimum, IGSTK shall support general components for tracker 
>> capabilities, viewer capabilities, segmentation, and registration.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004.
>> \section{REQ 04.02.02 - 1071}
>> The IGSTK platform shall include a minimum of two application examples.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004
>> \section{REQ 05.01.01 - 1072}
>> IGSTK components that manage events shall include threading capability.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004.
>> \section{REQ 05.02.01 - 1073}
>> A test case shall be included for each IGSTK component.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004.
>> \section{REQ 05.02.02 - 1074}
>> Each IGSTK components must have 100% testing coverage.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004.
>> \section{REQ 05.03.01 - 1075}
>> IGSTK components shall enable compilation via CMake.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004.
>> \section{REQ 05.03.02 - 1076}
>> Each IGSTK components shall be documented with corresponding DOxygen 
>> files.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004.
>> \section{REQ 05.04.01 - 1077}
>> Each IGSTK component must be controlled by the IGSTK internal state 
>> machine code.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004.
>> \section{REQ 05.05.01 - 1078}
>> Each configuration management action must be supported by a 
>> requirement number.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004.
>> \section{REQ 05.06.01 - 1246}
>> The IGSTK platform shall contain a general communication component 
>> that acts as a proxy to all communication ports to and from the 
>> application such as the serial/parallel ports or wireless connectivity.
>> Verified via discussions on October 26.
>> \section{REQ 05.07.01 - 1247}
>> The IGSTK platform shall contain a general logging capability that 
>> can encapsulate logging capabilities for all IGSTK components.
>> NEW_REQ_TEXT: The IGSTK platform shall contain a general, centralized 
>> logging capability that can be used for all IGSTK components.
>> Requirement verified at October 26th meeting.
>> \section{REQ 05.07.02 - 1248}
>> The logging capability shall support timestamps for the audited 
>> information.
>> Requirement verified on October 26th meeting.
>> \section{REQ 05.07.03 - 1249}
>> The logging capability shall enable logging for multiple components 
>> concurrently and support auditing into multiple files.
>> Requirement verified at October 26th meeting.
>> \section{REQ 05.07.04 - 1900}
>> Each IGSTK component should be enable with logging capability using 
>> the PrintSelf function
>> \section{REQ 06.01.01 - 1082}
>> The tracker component shall have the ability to initialize the 
>> tracker hardware.
>> Additional comments
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004.
>> \section{REQ 06.01.02 - 1083}
>> The tracker component shall have the ability to reset the tracker 
>> hardware.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004.
>> \section{REQ 06.01.03 - 1084}
>> The tracker component shall have the ability to start and stop 
>> tracking independent of the tracker hardware.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004.
>> \section{REQ 06.01.04 - 1085}
>> The tracker component shall have the ability to restart the tracker 
>> hardware.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004.
>> \section{REQ 06.01.05 - 1086}
>> The tracker shall incorporate a state machine that supports the 
>> following states: Tracker Off, Tracker On But Invalid (Not 
>> Initialized), Track Available But Tools Not Valid, Track Available 
>> With Valid Tools, Tracker Tracking.
>> NEW_REQ_TEXT: The tracker shall incorporate a state machine that, at 
>> a minimum, supports the following states: IdleState, 
>> CommunicatingState, ToolsActiveState, TrackingState, 
>> SetUpCommunication, SetUpTools, StartTracking, UpdateToolsStatus, 
>> StopTrackingCommunicatingState.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004. 1. The state 
>> machine transition methods need to be defined. 2. SetUpCommunication 
>> and SetUpTools methods should not be made available for use. Instead 
>> these functionalities should be made part of initialization.
>> 3. Access method for tool status should be made available.
>> \section{REQ 06.02.01 - 1087}
>> The tracker component shall have an integrated module to support 
>> logging that can be enables or disabled at initialization time.
>> NEW_REQ_TEXT: The tracker component shall have an integrated module 
>> to support connectivity to the logging capability.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004. \section{REQ 
>> 06.02.02 - 1088}
>> The tracker component shall have an integrated module to support the 
>> loading configuration files and the management of the configuration 
>> data.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004. \section{REQ 
>> 06.02.03 - 1089}
>> The integrated configuration file management component must support 
>> configuration files in the Extensible Markup Language (XML).
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004. \section{REQ 
>> 06.02.04 - 1091}
>> The tracker component shall have a non-limiting design to support up 
>> to 10 tools connected to a specific tracker hardware.
>> NEW_REQ_TEXT: The tracker component shall have a non-limiting design 
>> to support at least 4 tools connected to a specific tracker hardware. 
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004. \section{REQ 
>> 06.02.05 - 1092}
>> The tracker component must allow a tool refresh rate at 
>> initialization time which checks the status of the tool at the 
>> frequency of that rate. The default tool refresh rate will be the 
>> same refresh rate as the tool.
>> NEW_REQ_TEXT: The tracker component will verify if the rate requested 
>> by the user is lower or equal than the rate supported by the tracker, 
>> if the requested rate is higher then the tracker component should 
>> create an exception.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004. \section{REQ 
>> 06.02.06 - 1093}
>> The tracker component shall support diagnostic procedures that occur 
>> at the frequency of the tool refresh rate when a tool is substituted 
>> or disabled.
>> NEW_REQ_TEXT: The tracker component shall support diagnostic 
>> procedures that occur at the frequency designated by the application 
>> developer to determine when a tool is substituted or disabled.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004. \section{REQ 
>> 06.02.07 - 1094}
>> The tracker component shall have multiple levels of diagnostic 
>> support. At the highest level, a component and human diagnostic must 
>> be executed at the insertion of each new tool.
>> NEW_REQ_TEXT: The tracker component shall have multiple levels of 
>> diagnostic support. At the highest level, a component and human 
>> diagnostic must be executed at configuration time.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004. \section{REQ 
>> 06.02.08 - 1095}
>> The tracker component shall have an open interface to the viewing 
>> component using a universally-acceptable data structure.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004. \section{REQ 
>> 06.02.09 - 1096}
>> The tracker component interface should send messages to that at a 
>> minimum contain position, orientation, quality (error), number of 
>> tools, and tool identification.
>> NEW_REQ_TEXT: The tracker component interface should send messages at 
>> a minimum comprising position, orientation, quality (error), number 
>> of tools, and tool identification.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004. \section{REQ 
>> 06.02.10 - 1097}
>> The tracker component shall report its refresh rate and time latency 
>> on demand.
>> NEW_REQ_TEXT: The tracker component shall report the maximum refresh 
>> rate and time latency on demand.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004. \section{REQ 
>> 06.02.11 - 1098}
>> The tracker component shall support a hot swapping routine that 
>> consists of ….
>> NEW_REQ_TEXT: All tracker tools must be installed and verified at 
>> initialization time.   Tracker will only support hot swapping for 
>> tools that enable this capability.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004. \section{REQ 
>> 06.02.12 - 1099}
>> The tracker component must confirm that the tools are at the same 
>> refresh rate as the tracker hardware.
>> Discussed and verified this requirement on 10/7/2004.  
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>> IGSTK-Developers mailing list
>> IGSTK-Developers at public.kitware.com
>> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/igstk-developers
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> IGSTK-Developers mailing list
> IGSTK-Developers at public.kitware.com
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