[IGSTK-Developers] IGSTK board review meeting at Georgetown on Thursday Nov 10th and schedule

Kevin Cleary cleary at georgetown.edu
Wed Nov 2 13:13:45 EST 2005

Hi everyone:


We are all set for our board review meeting next Thursday at our research
group at Georgetown. The meeting is set to begin at 10 am and the schedule
is pasted below my signature as well as on the IGSTK Wiki:




This is the one year review for this NIH funded Phase II STTR project. We
will start with a demonstration of two example applications (let's hope we
finish these in time ;) followed by a discussion of the architecture,
software development process, and requirements. For those on the advisory
board who can only make part of the meeting, I would suggest you attend for
this part. I have attached a map for those who are driving - you can park in
the building if they are not full (enter from the back of the building by
following Whitehaven Parkway all the way around) or on the street on 35th
(but then you have to feed the meters). 


Then, after lunch, we will have a detailed review of the state machine
architecture, which is the defining feature of this project and has also
been the most difficult to implement. After that, we will present the
components and discuss error handling.


For those on the project, we will stay at ISIS for dinner that evening to
continue the discussion and start planning for the next year's activity. We
will then continue that discussion on Friday for project members.


We will have teleconferencing available and I can also make
videoconferencing available for anyone who wants to participate that way. If
so, please let me know so we can test your connection ahead of time.


I look forward to the meeting and thanks to all for their efforts on this
project. The open source movement is gaining momentum and our project is
getting a lot of visibility, but this means we need to produce a quality
toolkit that others can use. Please let me know if you have any questions or




Kevin Cleary, Ph.D.                        Work phone: 202-687-8253
Associate Professor                        Work fax: 202-784-3479
Deputy Director  
Imaging Science and Information Systems (ISIS) Center
Department of Radiology                    Pager: 202-901-2033
Georgetown University Medical Center       Cell phone: 202-294-3409
2115 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 603           Home phone: 301-299-0788
Washington, DC, 20007                      Home fax: 301-299-0789


ISIS center:  <http://www.isis.georgetown.edu/> www.isis.georgetown.edu
Research group:  <http://www.caimr.georgetown.edu/> www.caimr.georgetown.edu
WashCAS:  <http://www.washcas.org/> www.washcas.org
Email:  <mailto:cleary at georgetown.edu> cleary at georgetown.edu

One Year Project Review Board Meeting and ITK Course at Georgetown


One Year Project Review Board Meeting and ITK Course at Georgetown 

Kevin Cleary Updated 2 November 2005 

The project review and board meeting is fast approaching. The schedule is: 

*	November 8 and 9 (Tues/Wed): ITK course at Georgetown 
*	November 10 and 11 (Thurs/Fri): board meeting and follow-up 

Those participating in the course (Luis, Andinet, Julien) should plan to fly
in by Monday night. Those participating in the board meeting and follow-up
(above plus Kevin Gary, Stephen, David, and Rick) should plan to fly in by
Wednesday night and can leave anytime after 2 pm on Friday. Those
participating just in the board meeting (Will and some others) just need to
be there on Thursday. 

Hotels. Unfortunately DC hotels are very expensive and unless you go way out
to the suburbs there are no cheap hotels nearby. The most convenient is the
Georgetown Holiday Inn right next door. The rate on the web as of today was
$149 a night plus tax which is actually about as low as it goes for that
hotel. I do have a list of other hotels if anyone is interested. The only
other hotel within walking distance is the Savoy Suites and it tends to be
even a little more expensive. 

Schedule for Thursday/Friday. The general schedule will be to have the board
meeting on Thursday and then a project follow-up meeting on Friday. Here is
a strawman schedule for Thursday: 

*	10 am: introduction to project and goals/objectives: Kevin Cleary 
*	10:30 am: demonstration of example applications 

*	Image-guided system for lung biopsy using optical tracking
(Polaris): Patrick Cheng 
*	Image-guided system for spine using electromagnetic tracking
(Aurora): James Zhang 

*	11 am: IGSTK architecture: Luis Ibanez 
*	11:30 am: IGSTK software development process: Kevin Gary 
*	noon: IGSTK requirements: Brian Blake 
*	12:30: lunch break to serve food (food to be brought in) 
*	1:00 pm: IGSTK state machine and state machine discussion 
*	3:00 pm: IGSTK components 

*	Communications / tracking: David Gobbi 
*	Reader/writer: Andinet 
*	Visualization: Rick 
*	Spatial objects: Julien / Stephen 

*	4:00 pm: Error handling 
*	4:30 pm: Wrap-up and summary 

Thursday evening: dinner at ISIS to continue discussion of state machines,
start planning for next year 

Friday schedule: meet at 10 am to continue planning discussion, finish by 2
pm for those who need to catch flights 

List of IGSTK project attendees: 

*	Kevin Cleary, Georgetown 
*	Luis Ibanez, Kitware 
*	Rick Avila, Kitware 
*	Andinet, Kitware 
*	Kevin Gary, Arizona State University 
*	Patrick Cheng, Georgetown 
*	Brian Blake, Georgetown 
*	James Zhang, Georgetown 
*	Stephen Aylward, UNC 
*	Julien Jommier, UNC 

List of advisory board members and other possible attendees: 

*	Will Schroeder, Kitware 
*	Terry Yoo, NLM 
*	John Haller, NIBIB 
*	Matt McAulifee, NIH 
*	Ivo Wolf, Heidelberg, teleconference 
*	Peter Kazanzides, Johns Hopkins 
*	Anton Deguet, Johns Hopkins 


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