[IGSTK-Developers] Hi, question about ImageSpatialObjectRepresentation code

Hui Zhang zhang at isis.imac.georgetown.edu
Mon Nov 14 17:39:02 EST 2005


I check the current ImageSpatialObject / ImageSpatialObjectRepresentation code from IGSTK and find it is easy to use this class to display the 2D slice image from Axial / Sagittal / Coronal view. The code use the vtkImageActor to set the orientation and slice number, as below:

switch( m_Orientation )
    case Axial:
      m_ImageActor->SetDisplayExtent( ext[0], ext[1], ext[2], ext[3], m_SliceNumber, m_SliceNumber );
    case Sagittal:
      m_ImageActor->SetDisplayExtent( m_SliceNumber, m_SliceNumber, ext[2], ext[3], ext[4], ext[5] );
    case Coronal:
      m_ImageActor->SetDisplayExtent( ext[0], ext[1], m_SliceNumber, m_SliceNumber, ext[4], ext[5] );

My question is, through this category, we can't display any oblique image slice and integrate them into the same class. If the surgeons need get oblique view along the planned path or tracked tool, or even slab-MIP view, the program can't make any use of the existed ImageSpatialObjectRepresentation class. That means, we'll have two different ImageRepresenation classes, one for the fixed-axis, and one for the oblique axis. What we did before in our current navigation system is, we use vtkImageReslice instead of vtkImageActor, and made the orthogonal image representations (Axial / Coronal / Sagittal) are three specific oblique views. So, in my question, can we implement with vtkImageReslice in ImageSpatialObjectRepresentation class, instead of vtkImageActor? And from this implementation, the orthogonal image representation can be easily a derived class or just three specific settings.


Hui (James) Zhang, Ph.D.                 
Imaging Science and Information Systems (ISIS) Center
Department of Radiology                    
Georgetown University Medical Center       
2115 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 603           
Washington, DC, 20007                      

Work phone: 202-687-2902
Work fax: 202-784-3479
Cell phone: 240-476-9361
MSN: zh_skyfox at hotmail.com
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