[IGSTK-Developers] Crash recovery?

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Sep 12 08:47:48 EDT 2005

Hi Tina,

A State Machine is the most formal model of an Algorithm.

Every computer *is* a state machine, and every computer
program *is* a state machine, regardless of whether we
design it or not with a state machine formalism in mind.

Computer code that is not designed as a State Machine
formalism, end up being a bad quality code because tend
to have large numbers of poorly defined states, and its
execution is very fragile because it is based on assumptions
made by developers, that are often ignored by users.

By designing every IGSTK class as a State Machine we
achieve the following goals:

1) Clearly defined its behavior.

2) Restricted the number of ways in which a class can be
    used, therefore reducing the risk of misuse by developers.

3) Prevented it from entering error states. By introducing
    preconditions that test whether it is safe or not to
    enter in a state, before performing the corresponding

4) Facilitated debugging, since it is possible to track a
    class through the set of transitions that it follows.

5) Facilitated logging and retrospective analysis of the
    classes, again because a finite set of well defined
    states makes possible for us to know what the class
    should do at every interaction with other classes.

You are right about testing, the State Machine formalism does
not replace testing. But, only the State Machine approach makes
possible to implement full testing, both in the sense of 100%
code coverage, and in the sense of 100% coverage of execution

That is, thanks to the State Machines we are able to test the
behavior of a class when its methods are called in arbitrary
order, or as you suggest, when they are called repeatedly.

A State Machine should be able to pass the "Monkey test"
which is the most exigent in software implementation.
That is, the state machine should admit random input
without entering in error states or ever crashing.

The developers of the GNU compiler actually perform Monkey
test on it, and it has proved to be extremely robust to
random input.

That being said,...

The State Machine is not a magical solution either.
We still require a quality control system for the
toolkit involving:

     Nightly Builds
     Continuous Builds
     Code Coverage analysis (currently at 90%)
     Dynamic run-time analysis (Valgrind)
     Code Reviews

This system is reinforced by the power of being Open Source,
since anybody can inspect the code and evaluate its quality
and correctness.

The test suits will not quite determine the robustness,
they will allow to measure the robustness. The actual
quality of the code is still the result of good design
and thoughtful analysis.

On the dark side, the State Machines have also challenges
that we are trying to sort out. For example, it is not
obvious how to implement C++ hierarchies with State Machines
in a consistent way. It is also unclear how to keep their
safety in a multi-threaded environment.

So, this is still an ongoing discussion, and we welcome
any ideas that will make this code safer for patients.



Tina Kapur wrote:
> Thanks, Luis. 
> Another question: why the state machine pattern? I've read a couple of IGSTK
> papers and the discussion on the project wiki. I appreciate the motivation
> to keep the code as robust as possible and to prevent programmers from
> making mistakes. However, the choice of the architecture typically most
> directly impacts extensibility and maintainability of the code base rather
> than robustness. The quality of programmers and test suites is what is going
> to determine the robustness of IGSTK.  Did I miss the point of what the
> state machine pattern buys here? Again, all your reputations precede you as
> architects and engineers, and I can see this architecture choice being a
> no-op in the worst case, but if there are any particular discussions that
> point to the benefits of this pattern in the case of IGS, I'd appreciate a
> pointer to increase my knowledge base in this area.
> And thanks again to everyone for any time this discussion might cost you... 
> Best,
> -Tina 
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Luis Ibanez [mailto:luis.ibanez at kitware.com] 
>>Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 2:26 PM
>>To: Tina Kapur
>>Cc: 'David Gobbi'; 'Andinet Enquobahrie'; 'IGSTK Developers'
>>Subject: Re: [IGSTK-Developers] Crash recovery?
>>If we implement applications as C++ classes that derive from 
>>an igstk::Application class endowed with a State Machine, then 
>>testing of the application should be feasible with 100% code 
>>coverage and with full path combinations (calling its method 
>>in arbitrary orders).
>>Stress testing should also be possible, since it becomes a 
>>matter of adding new test programs that rerun the application 
>>class as many times as desired and in as many combinations of 
>>inputs as desired.
>>The use of simulators, such as the tracker simulator that 
>>Hee-Su wrote, will help a lot to make this vision of full 
>>testing a practical reality.
>>   Luis
>>Tina Kapur wrote:
>>>Speaking of reliability and testing, is testing of applications 
>>>considered outside the currently defined scope of the toolkit?  I am 
>>>sure that those of you who have worked with FDA requirements on 
>>>products have suffered through the mechanism of writing one or more 
>>>tests corresponding to each requirement in the req spec, and 
>>then documenting that you ran the test and it passed.
>>>Other measures of robustness that I've also found useful are stress 
>>>testing in which we simulate multiple passes through the software 
>>>(this which basically checks for memory leaks and re-entrant code).  
>>>Again, as we all know, testing applications is a pretty 
>>large task and 
>>>I don't want to use too many of the group's cycles on it if it is 
>>>currently outside the scope of the project...
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: David Gobbi [mailto:dgobbi at atamai.com]
>>>>Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 5:31 PM
>>>>To: Andinet Enquobahrie
>>>>Cc: Tina Kapur; 'IGSTK Developers'
>>>>Subject: Re: [IGSTK-Developers] Crash recovery?
>>>>Andinet Enquobahrie wrote:
>>>>>Tina Kapur wrote:
>>>>>>Does IGSTK have a mechanism for crash recovery?  I was
>>>>making a wish
>>>>>>list of what such a toolkit should have, and I can see how the 
>>>>>>logging mechanism could be used for recovery from a mid surgery 
>>>>>>crash, but just wanted to check if the feature was planned for 
>>>>>>anytime in the near future.
>>>>>Hi Tina,
>>>>>We hope that the toolkit wont crash in the middle of a 
>>>>>be before or after :) But on a serious note, the main reason
>>>>the state
>>>>>machines were introduced in IGSTK is to make it "ideally" 100% 
>>>>>predictable. All error conditions and scenarios should be 
>>handled by 
>>>>>the state machines. IGSTK should be unrecoverable-condition 
>>proof. In
>>>>>fact, we had  a discussion this afternoon on the TCON about   
>>>>>introducing state machines into the applications itself. Something 
>>>>>like an application class with state machines that every 
>>>>>should be derived from. This design will tighten it up even more.
>>>>I think as we design IGSTK, we should work with the 
>>assumption that it 
>>>>is never going to perfectly crash-proof.  We need to be 
>>ready for the 
>>>>worst.  The titanic wasn't an unsinkable ship, regardless of 
>>what its 
>>>>designers thought.
>>>>One of the most important things for medical software is to 
>>be able to 
>>>>quantify its reliability.  I wonder if there is some way we can do 
>>>>this for IGSTK?  Usually reliability statistics are computed at the 
>>>>application level, by looking at failure rates or counting how often 
>>>>critical bugs are found.
>>>>- David
>>>IGSTK-Developers mailing list
>>>IGSTK-Developers at public.kitware.com

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