[IGSTK-Developers] some short suggestions

Hee-su Kim hkim at isis.imac.georgetown.edu
Thu Sep 15 21:13:03 EDT 2005

Hi, guys:

I have some suggestions for IGSTK.

*creating FLTK UIs for controlling transfer function and level window

Because most of image-guided surgery application may need UIs for transfer function and level window, a lot of redundant efforts of application developers could be reduced if IGSTK provides UIs. Level window UI may be integrated into View class or not.

IGSTK is dependent on FLTK so it's a very good place to put common UI classes.

Maybe, you guys already planned to create those.. I don't know.

*3D annotation should be in front of the object
 : applying 3D transform (object and camera) -> use vtk 2D text objects to show annotation. (scaling may be done depending on Z-coordinate)

I think 3D annotations might become behind objects.

It might be irritating to rotate and pan cameras to find necessary 3D annotations.

So, I suggest to use 2D text objects after transforming.

If vtk's annotation 3D widgets support or behave like that, we don't need to worry.

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