[IGSTK-Developers] IGSTK-Tutorial]

Hui Zhang zhang at isis.imac.georgetown.edu
Tue Feb 7 11:43:52 EST 2006

Hi, Andinet,

Kevin asked me to give some comments on the IGSTK Tutorial, and below are some quick ones:

It is a great job and give a very helpful information on the first sight of IGSTK! Just some minor comments:

1. " Image I/O classes: These classes provide the ability to read and display medical images including CT and MRI in DICOM format. " 

Should we specify the medical images as only CT and MRI? Or we should say more, such as CT, MR, DR/CR, PET .... Technically speaking, no difference of CT and MRI images in DICOM format and implementation, which has internal tags to indicate number of bits, pixel type and so on;

2. Viewer classes: probably we should mention although the current version is tightly associated and implemented with FLTK, the future version would be GUI-indepent. (It is not a good idea to tie viewer classes with FLTK from my opinion and it is not hard to implement GUI-indepent ones.) Some other toolkits, such as two MITKs, have already provided this mechanic. Those would be better for other users not facing FLTK.

3. In the SpatialObject section. I think spatial objects are a very nice part for IGSTK for it provides a high-level and easy to use tool-kit than basic spatial shapes, and these components are more attractive to the end-user's eyes. How about adding some pictures, such as that well-designed ultrasound probe.

4. Registration class: Registration is an important part in the surgical tools. But from the tutorial, our IGSTK registration's introduction is simple. For the reason that we only have basic rigid-body algorithm here, we can speak some on the great error handling part recently added. The error handling part is one distinguished part compared with other toolkits. We probably should mention our registration module provied error handling functions, such as TRE, FRE analysis, to get a better safety control.

5. Did we forget calibration part? The reason I implement some calibration parts is to add to IGSTK some new features which don't appear in other toolkits. And also this part is essential in using tracked tools in CAS, although we currently only use pre-defined parameters inside.

6. The tutorial on how to implement the helloworld is a nice and straightforward part. Just one place to misspell FLTK to FLK.

Nice work!


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [IGSTK-Developers] IGSTK-Tutorial
> Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2006 14:31:14 -0600
> From: Andinet Enquobahrie <andinet.enqu at kitware.com>
> To: 'IGSTK-developers' <igstk-developers at public.kitware.com>
> Dear all,
> The IGSTK-tutorial is looking better. Please, take a look at it and make
> your comments.
> http://public.kitware.com/IGSTKWIKI/index.php/IGSTK:Tutorial
> thank you
> -Andinet
> PS: The SPIE demo is around the corner and it would be great if I can
> get everybody's comments as soon as possible.  This tutorial will be a
> good document to hand out to demo participants in addition to the paper.
> Thank you.
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