[IGSTK-Developers] Image file format

Hui Zhang zhang at isis.imac.georgetown.edu
Tue Mar 7 11:32:01 EST 2006

Hi, Mathieu,

I recently touched a single DICOM file with 4D information. It is maybe an 
extension to existed DICOM format.

2 cents.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mathieu Malaterre" <mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com>
To: "Luis Ibanez" <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>
Cc: "'IGSTK-developers'" <igstk-developers at public.kitware.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: [IGSTK-Developers] Image file format

> Just my two cents:
> First of all: there is no 4D DICOM as far as I know. The only way to have 
> that is either a series of 3D images, or a multi-series of 2D. But anyway 
> the Series should know as little as possible. The Series should not do any 
> heuristic about finding the dimension of the output. The ImageIO should 
> handle that.
> For instance I have a 4D images. How I am supposed to see it ? Maybe I 
> would like something different than what's on disk and do for example: do 
> a time serie taking a slice at a particular time t0. I believe this should 
> work out of the box using the ITK class+GDCM (ie ImageIO<Type,2> + 
> SeriesReader).
> So I'd suggest IGSTK closely follow ITK. Where the ImageIO effectively 
> read the N-D images, and the SeriesImages only deals with a list of DICOM 
> files.
> 2 cents,
> Mathieu
> Ps: BTW If you are heading toward a per Modality design, keep in mind that 
> there are ~40 different modalities (PS 3.3).
> enum ModalityType {
>    Unknow,
>    AU,       // Voice Audio
>    AS,       // Angioscopy
>    BI,       // Biomagnetic Imaging
>    CF,       // Cinefluorography
>    CP,       // Culposcopy
>    CR,       // Computed Radiography
>    CS,       // Cystoscopy
>    CT,       // Computed Tomography
>    DD,       // Duplex Dopler
>    DF,       // Digital Fluoroscopy
>    DG,       // Diaphanography
>    DM,       // Digital Microscopy
>    DS,       // Digital Substraction Angiography
>    DX,       // Digital Radiography
>    ECG,      // Echocardiography
>    EPS,      // Basic Cardiac EP
>    ES,       // Endoscopy
>    FA,       // Fluorescein Angiography
>    FS,       // Fundoscopy
>    HC,       // Hard Copy
>    HD,       // Hemodynamic
>    LP,       // Laparoscopy
>    LS,       // Laser Surface Scan
>    MA,       // Magnetic Resonance Angiography
>    MR,       // Magnetic Resonance
>    NM,       // Nuclear Medicine
>    OT,       // Other
>    PT,       // Positron Emission Tomography
>    RF,       // Radio Fluoroscopy
>    RG,       // Radiographic Imaging
>    RTDOSE,   // Radiotherapy Dose
>    RTIMAGE,  // Radiotherapy Image
>    RTPLAN,   // Radiotherapy Plan
>    RTSTRUCT, // Radiotherapy Structure Set
>    SM,       // Microscopic Imaging
>    ST,       // Single-photon Emission Computed Tomography
>    TG,       // Thermography
>    US,       // Ultrasound
>    VF,       // Videofluorography
>    XA,       // X-Ray Angiography
>    XC        // Photographic Imaging
> };
> Luis Ibanez wrote:
>> Hi Julien,
>> Please note the the specific functionalities needed for
>> reading Ultrasound images should be placed in a class
>> deriving from igstkDICOMImageReader, in order to conform
>> to the hierarchy:
>>       ImageReader
>>        |
>>        |
>>        +--DICOMImageReader
>>               |
>>               |
>>               +--CTImageReader
>>               |
>>               |
>>               +--MRIImageReader
>>               |
>>               |
>>               +--USImageReader
>> If the DICOMImageReader needs to be modified in order
>> to read a single DICOM slice, this should be a mode
>> controlled by its StateMachine. That mode should be
>> set only once and not be reversible, since it will be
>> requested from the derived classes, and therefore it
>> will be specific to the modality.
>> The mode should control a State that goes before the
>> selection of the directory name. The "Request" methods
>> for selecting the mode must be protected, so only the
>> derived classes are allowed to call them. Those methods
>> must not be part of the public API.
>> RealTime capture should be modeled in an independent
>> hierarchy. Probably deriving from the "ImageReader"
>> class. We could anticipate to have real-time capture
>> from fluoroscopic images, CT fluoroscopy, microscopy
>> (for neurosurgery), color video (for laparoscopy) and
>> ultrasound.
>>      Luis
>> ------------------------
>> Julien Jomier wrote:
>>> I have the DICOMImageReader working now. I'll check this in the sandbox 
>>> tomorrow.
>>> Julien
>>> Hui Zhang wrote:
>>>> Hi, Julien,
>>>> I agree. Some single DICOM file contains the 3D and even 4D 
>>>> information. So should we enhance igstkDICOMImageReader to make it 
>>>> accept single file input? May just have a parallel itkImageReader 
>>>> variable in the class to handle the single file input, and the output 
>>>> is switched between itkImageReader and itkImageSeriesReader depending 
>>>> on the input?
>>>> You are right. The test of 3D/2D image registration class definitely 
>>>> need a ultrasound image file input. The ultrasound image should not be 
>>>> restricted in real-time capture.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> James
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Julien Jomier" 
>>>> <julien.jomier at kitware.com>
>>>> To: "Hui Zhang" <zhang at isis.imac.georgetown.edu>
>>>> Cc: "'IGSTK-developers'" <igstk-developers at public.kitware.com>
>>>> Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 6:11 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [IGSTK-Developers] Image file format
>>>>> Hi James,
>>>>> I agree with you, we need an igstkBufferedImage class. I'll work on 
>>>>> that soon.
>>>>> The problem with the DICOM having only one slice is not only a problem 
>>>>> with Ultrasound images but some 3D DICOM files can be stored in only 
>>>>> one file. Also, I don't see why Ultrasound images should be restricted 
>>>>> to real-time capture.
>>>>> Julien
>>>>> Hui Zhang wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, Julien,
>>>>>> Regard the ultrasound images, I think it should be from a stream, 
>>>>>> either video grabbing or acquired, not from a saved file. Ultrasound 
>>>>>> image is used for real-time image display in the application, while 
>>>>>> reading from a single file means it is not a live or real-time image. 
>>>>>> For the research, the saved ultrasound image will be useful.
>>>>>> In my ultrasound application, pre-operative CT or MR images are from 
>>>>>> DICOM images, and the ultrasound image is directly from firewire port 
>>>>>> transfer. I used an image buffer to fill the real-time ultrasound 
>>>>>> data. So perhaps we need an igstkBufferedImage or igstkStreamImage 
>>>>>> for ultrasound, not from igstkDICOMImageReader? igstkBufferedImage 
>>>>>> may provide a function to fill the data from various input?
>>>>>> 2 cents,
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> James
>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Julien Jomier" 
>>>>>> <julien.jomier at kitware.com>
>>>>>> To: <cleary at georgetown.edu>
>>>>>> Cc: "'IGSTK-developers'" <igstk-developers at public.kitware.com>
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 5:13 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [IGSTK-Developers] Image file format
>>>>>>> Ok DICOM it is... I agree it's better, but we can still read a DICOM 
>>>>>>> without any patient information so I don't really see the difference 
>>>>>>> (why is this not handled by the state machine BTW?)
>>>>>>> Anyways. The current implementation of the DICOMImageReader is using 
>>>>>>> the itkImageSeriesReader which requires at least two filenames, this 
>>>>>>> assumption is not true since a 2D Ultrasound image has only one 
>>>>>>> slice. How should we deal with this? Can we just bypass the 
>>>>>>> SeriesReader if there is only one slice?
>>>>>>> I'm open to suggestions, thanks,
>>>>>>> Julien
>>>>>>> Kevin Cleary wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi guys
>>>>>>>> I agree with Luis on this one - I like to stick with DICOM because 
>>>>>>>> it is
>>>>>>>> also traceable from the header - meaning I can tell on what scanner 
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> where it came from
>>>>>>>> Kevin
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: 
>>>>>>>> igstk-developers-bounces+cleary=georgetown.edu at public.kitware.com
>>>>>>>> [mailto:igstk-developers-bounces+cleary=georgetown.edu at public.kitware.com]
>>>>>>>> On Behalf Of Luis Ibanez
>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 3:32 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Andinet Enquobahrie
>>>>>>>> Cc: 'IGSTK-developers'
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [IGSTK-Developers] Image file format
>>>>>>>> Hi Andinet, Julien,
>>>>>>>> Adding fileformats different from DICOM will compromise the
>>>>>>>> safety level of IGSTK.
>>>>>>>> Having gdcm in ITK we can save any image in DICOM format.
>>>>>>>> You can convert your MetaImage file in to DICOM by using
>>>>>>>> the examples in Insight/Examples/IO.  Then load that DICOM
>>>>>>>> file into your IGSTK application.
>>>>>>>> I would suggest that we stick to supporting *only DICOM*
>>>>>>>> as the only format that is safe enough for being used in
>>>>>>>> the surgery room.
>>>>>>>> The MetaImage format has the recent addition of anatomical
>>>>>>>> information and orientation, but those entries are optional.
>>>>>>>> MetaImage doesn't carry information about PatientName, or patient
>>>>>>>> ID, which makes it extremely dangerous in a clinical environment.
>>>>>>>> It would be too easy to load the image of the wrong patient,
>>>>>>>> and an IGSTK application would not have a way of raising a flag.
>>>>>>>> Also, in its current state it is too easy to modify a MetaImage
>>>>>>>> headers with an editor and to corrupt a file.
>>>>>>>> Please remember that the conveniences that you may want
>>>>>>>> to have while you are developing prototypes for research,
>>>>>>>> are the same risky operations that can harm a patient during
>>>>>>>> an actual surgical intervention.  IGSTK is not supposed to
>>>>>>>> behave like Matlab.
>>>>>>>>     My 2 Cents,
>>>>>>>>       Luis
>>>>>>>> -------------------------
>>>>>>>> Andinet Enquobahrie wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Julien Jomier wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Andinet,
>>>>>>>>>> The liver MR has been converted to isotropic voxels and saved as 
>>>>>>>>>> MetaImage. Looking at the igstkMRImageReader class, this one 
>>>>>>>>>> derives from DICOM image reader, so right now I don't know how to 
>>>>>>>>>> read an MR volume using MetaImage.
>>>>>>>>>> Should I create an igstkMetaImageMRImageReader class?
>>>>>>>>> Julien,
>>>>>>>>> As we chatted on IM and agreed,  I think igstkMetaImageReader 
>>>>>>>>> class templated by image type would be fine unless the other 
>>>>>>>>> developers think of a different approach.
>>>>>>>>> -Andinet
>>>>>>>>>> The ultrasound images are in the spatialobject file format right 
>>>>>>>>>> now. I can try to convert them to metaImage or just read them 
>>>>>>>>>> directly since IGSTK seems to support several file formats.
>>>>>>>>>> Let me know,
>>>>>>>>>> Julien
>>>>>>>>>> Andinet Enquobahrie wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Julien,
>>>>>>>>>>> The image reader classes are designed in such a way that we can 
>>>>>>>>>>> also support non-DICOM images. The Dicom image reader class is 
>>>>>>>>>>> derived from the "ImageReader" superclass which you can use to 
>>>>>>>>>>> derive a MetaImageReader class.  Are your Ultrasound images in 
>>>>>>>>>>> MetaImage forma?
>>>>>>>>>>> -Andinet
>>>>>>>>>>> -Andinet
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Are we going to support only DICOM for image reading?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I've a MetaImage file that I want to read in (from the original 
>>>>>>>>>>>> dicom but preprocessed). I can convert it to DICOM but I'd 
>>>>>>>>>>>> rather read it in directly.
>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks for the input,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Julien
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