[IGSTK-Developers] Dashboard problem

David Gobbi dgobbi at atamai.com
Wed May 31 13:20:37 EDT 2006

I'm having the same problem, I've been unable to submit VTK or IGSTK 
dashboards since the Friday of the long weekend.  All connections to 
public.kitware.com have been very sluggish recently.

Patrick Cheng wrote:
> Hi Andinet and Luis,
> The build machine here at isis hasn't been able to submit the tests to 
> the dashboard since May 29.
> I can open the dashboard using browser and ping through 
> public.kitware.com on that machine.
> It looks like the dashboard only accepts the machines from kitware 
> internal network now. I don't see Atamai on the dashboard neither.
> Please help take a look at this problem.
> Thanks,
> Patrick
> C:\Patrick\IGSTKSandbox\VS71-Debug-Nightly>ctest -D NightlySubmit
>    Site: build02.isis
>    Build name: Win32-IGSTKSandbox-VS71-Debug
> Submit files (using )
>    Using FTP submit method
>    Drop site: ftp://ftpuser:******@public.kitware.com/incoming
>    Error when uploading file: 
> C:/Patrick/IGSTKSandbox/VS71-Debug-Nightly/Testing/20060531-0430/Build.xml 
>    Error message was: Uploaded unaligned file size (0 out of 585 bytes)
> CURL output: []
>    Problems when submitting via FTP
> Errors while running CTest
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