[IGSTK-Developers] Presentation at SDMS

Ziv Yaniv zivy at isis.imac.georgetown.edu
Thu Dec 6 14:13:39 EST 2007

Hi Kevin,

Very nice paper.

I mainly liked the distinction you make between "software safety" and 
"system safety" (summary of section 4.3). IGSTK will indeed be a safe 
software once all state machines are fully populated and we've done all 
the testing. This definitely doesn't guarantee a safe navigation system.

On windows it is not out of the question that another process will 
commandeer the CPU so that the screen doesn't change exactly at the same
time as the physician moves the tool. It is up to the physician to 
notice that the UI has frozen, as IGSTK will not be able to check that 
the transformation times have expired.

We should make it crystal clear to IGSTK users that while we have safety 
as our highest priority ("safety" appears 52 times in the book) we 
provide "software safety" and not "system safety". It is their 
responsibility to provide the "system safety".


Kevin Gary wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Kevin Cleary asked me to post some of my notes from the IGSTK 
> presentation at the SDMS (Software and Systems for Medical Devices and 
> Services) workshop this past Monday, http://oris.csie.ntu.edu.tw/SMDS07. 
> My notes are below. The presentation itself I can send to anyone 
> interested or post to the Wiki (I don't see an area for our pubs on the 
> Wiki, and the www.igstk.org docs/pubs page is out of date?). The paper 
> is attached as the file is small compared to the prez.
> Notes:
> A worthwhile day; there were a couple relevant talks on safety in 
> medical devices, one by Paul Jones at the FDA that I thought was 
> particularly enlightening. Our presentation was well-received I think, 
> there was some good discussion on open source and Agile development in 
> this context.
> I had lunch with Insup Lee and a couple of the other workshop 
> organizers; they agree that these issues will continue to gain mindshare 
> over time. There was also a program manager (Kristin Tolle) from 
> Microsoft External Research in Biomedical Computing that gave a last 
> minute presentation, and I had a chance to chat with her after. She was 
> very enthusiastic about our presentation and open source. Might want to 
> check in on her RFP's from time to time.
> Cheers,
> K2
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Ziv Yaniv, PhD., Research Assistant Professor
Imaging Science and Information Systems (ISIS) Center
Department of Radiology
Georgetown University Medical Center
2115 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 603
Washington, DC, 20007,

Phone: +1-202-687-7286
Fax: +1-202-784-3479
email: zivy at isis.imac.georgetown.edu
web: http://isiswiki.georgetown.edu/zivy/

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