[IGSTK-Developers] FW: Book Update: comments from the editor just FYI

Kevin Cleary cleary at georgetown.edu
Thu Jan 25 13:41:00 EST 2007

These are just some comments fyi (scroll down) and my responses - you do not
need to review them all - but if you are interested they are there


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Cleary [mailto:cleary at georgetown.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:57 AM
To: 'Sarah Klimenko Riedl'
Cc: 'Priya Naik'; 'Patrick Cheng'
Subject: RE: Book Update

Good comments from Sarah and we should discuss tomorrow

We will meet at 1:30 pm Friday (not 1 pm) and then we are on for the
proposal "party" Saturday at my house at 4 pm - we can coordinate tomorrow
as I am hoping that Sarah can still pick up Priya and Patrick


P.S. As for the style-sheet: we can discuss these -here are my opinions

1) we do not use a hyphen for open source

2) SpatialObjects should be one word when it refers to the C++ code and I
think it should be two words as in "Spatial objects represent ..."

3) State Machine should probably be lowercase everywhere - that would be my

Sarah, let me know if you want me to read some chapters tonight in
preparation for tomorrow's meeting - I can do that and Priya should let us
know if she can take another chapter or two tonight


-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah Klimenko Riedl [mailto:klimenko at history.upenn.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 2:19 AM
To: cleary at georgetown.edu
Cc: 'Priya Naik'
Subject: Book Update

Hi Kevin,

I've gotten through 6 of the 12 book chapters that you assigned me 
last Thursday (specifically, 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, & 14), so I thought I'd 
check in with an update on the issues I've been noticing and some of 
the questions I have so far.  You don't necessarily need to respond; 
I just figured it might be useful to write them down now for further 
discussion on Friday and Saturday.  I've cc'd Priya so that she can 
also consider and weigh in on these issues.

Here are some overall things to consider as we edit.  Some are less 
important than others, but I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't 
point them out:

* In each section of each chapter, double-check all references to 
other sections and chapters, to make sure we're sending the reader to 
the right place (in case things have gotten moved around during editing).
* Make sure all codes/commands that appear in the text (as opposed to 
an inset) are in the right font (I've been marking spots where I 
think a different font may be necessary).
* Put all punctuation inside quotes (e.g., In "Appendix B," we 
describe...).  Exceptions: semi-colons, question marks, exclamation 
marks. [I doubt the latter two exceptions will come up in this book :) ]
* Write out "percent." This applies only to the text; it's OK to use 
% in tables & figures.
* "Example Applications" should be "Sample Applications."  "Example" 
should only be used as a noun, not as an adjective, whereas "sample" 
can be used as both.

Here are some words to keep an eye out for, because they often appear 
as suffixes in compound adjectives that should be hyphenated:


And here are some style-sheet questions:

* Should we use a hyphen for "open source"?

* Should "SpatialObjects" have a space between the two words?

* What is the rule for capitalizing "State Machine"?  Should it 
always be capitalized, always be lowercase, or do capitalized & 
lowercase indicate different things/concepts?

Thanks -- see you on Friday!

Yours, Sarah

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