[IGSTK-Developers] Re: copyright for book

Stephen R. Aylward Stephen.Aylward at Kitware.com
Sun Jan 28 10:52:27 EST 2007

Hi Kevin,

In 2005 the ISC voted on and approved the acceptance of IGSTK as an ISC 
copyrighted product:


So, it seems like the change from IGSTK to ISC is all that is needed in 
the copyright and terms.


Kevin Cleary wrote:
> Stephen:
> We are just about finishing the book and one of the loose ends is the 
> copyright.
> The copyright appears at
> http://www.igstk.org/copyright.htm
> and we reference it in the book
> but I would like to turn the copyright over to the Insight Software 
> Consortium
> How do you think we should proceed? For starting I am fine with just 
> changing “IGSTK” in the current license to “Insight”
> Thanks
> Kevin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Kevin Cleary, Ph.D.                        Work phone: 202-687-8253
> Associate Professor                        Work fax: 202-784-3479
> Deputy Director 
> Imaging Science and Information Systems (ISIS) Center
> Department of Radiology                    Pager: 202-901-2033
> Georgetown University Medical Center       Cell phone: 202-294-3409
> 2115 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 603           Home phone: 301-299-0788
> Washington, DC, 20007                      Home fax: 301-299-0789
> ISIS center: www.isis.georgetown.edu
> Research group: www.caimr.georgetown.edu
> WashCAS: www.washcas.org
> Email: cleary at georgetown.edu
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

Stephen R. Aylward, Ph.D.
Chief Medical Scientist
Kitware, Inc. - Chapel Hill Office
Phone: (518)371-3971 x300

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